Ngayong umaga, alas-kwatro, oras dito sa Saudi, at Sabado ng gabi sa Amerika gaganapin ang muli na namang pagtatagpo

At nag-umpisa na nga ang labanan.
Eto ang round-by-round coverage / scoring of their fight. Eto ang link kong saan ko nakuha ang inpormasyong ito: http://www.411mania.com/sports/boxing/71020.
Round 1:

10-9 Marquez
Round 2:
Manny is still pumping double and triple jabs to make his way to the inside and Marquez looks for the conter. Manny goes to the body now with a straight left. Marquez feints and lands a short left hook. Manny comes in with a right and Marquez counters again. Now Manny lands his left and looks to land a combination before Marquez moves out of harms way. Another body shot lands for Manny and Marquez lands one just below the belt to warrant a warning. Manny jabs and lands a straight left and then a left cross to the chin. Marquez lets off an uppercut that just grazes Manny's chin and then a big left hook stuns Pacquiao but stays on his feet. Wow!! Didn't see that coming...Manny was winning the round but Marquez may have stole it with that one!
20-19 Marquez
Round 3:
Manny comes out with the jab again as Marquez responds with his own. A straight

28-28 Even
Round 4:
Manny comes out like a typhoon and catches Marquez with blistering lefts. Marquez goes back to boxing but is eating some heavy leather. Looks like Juan has shaken off the cobwebs but he better stop trading with Manny or he's going to get knocked out. Juan Manuel jabs and lands a body shot then circles to his left. The round closes with Marquez exchanging with Pacquiao. The Pac-Man puts another round in his pocket.
38-37 Pacquiao
Round 5:
Manny is moving his head from side to side making it difficult for Marquez to land a steady jab but Marquez jabs to the body as well. Manny pounds his gloves and urges Marquez to trade with him. Manny lands a body shot but eats a right cross in return. A hook lands to the temple of Manny but has no effect. Marquez lands his jab and hits Pacquiao with a cross to the eye. Manny comes back with his own cross to the eye. Man they're matching each other punch for punch here. Marquez jabs and lands a sizzling straight right to the nose of Manny and they trade again to end the round. Tough round to score but Marquez had the edge.
47-47 Even
Round 6:
The first minute of the round is slow with jabs being thrown by both guys. As I type that last sentence, they trade hooks to the head, both of which land. Marquez now digs an uppercut to the sternum of Manny before Pacquiao lands another left. Marquez cataches Manny off-balance and lands a right. Manny wants to trade but Marquez backs up and lands another one-two. Manny slips a hook and lands a body shot. Manny eats a straight right to finish the round. Marquez earns this one.
57-56 Marquez
Round 7:
Marquez lands a straight right early on and makes Manny miss by taking a step back. A left hook to the body by Marquez and a combination lands. Marquez is going back to the jab and fighting from the outside. Another headbutt lands and Marquez is cut. Never a good thing, but it doesn't seem too bad at this point. It is however above his right eye. Marquez lands another right but Manny answers back with a pair of lefts that score. It's becoming a war right now with blood streaming down Marquez' face...bad cut now! A right uppercut lands for Marquez and slips Manny's counter hook. Pretty good round by the champ and it appears Manny is cut too.
67-65 Marquez
Round 8:
With both fighters cut Manny catches a straight right that causes him to bleed. Looks like he caught it right in the eye. This one's going to get ugly...in a good way . Manny eats a left hook to the body that hurts him as he slumps along the middle ropes. He fights back though but seems bothered by the shot to the kidney. Marquez zeroes in methodically and goes back to the jab. Manny is backing upbut now fires back his own lefts to get out of the ropes. Marquez is now pounding Manny to the body and pounding him hard!! Marquez in complete control in this round...so far. A one-two lands for Marquez and Manny has no answer. Now Manny goes to the body and lands a counter left cross. The round is over. Marquez wins this one easily.
77-74 Marquez
(Manny is being looked at in the corner by the ref and doctor and he may be hurt bad...uh oh.)
Round 9:
Manny goes on the attack and lands a few of his right jabs. Marquez goes to the body with a left hook and jab to the gut. Pacquiao throws a jab and is countered with a straight right and then another. I don't think Manny can see very well out of that eye but he lunges in with a straight left that lands flush. A counter hook by Marquez lands and so does another body shot. Manny lands a hook and blood is pouring down Marquez' face again. Time out is called and dthe doc will look at Marquez' eye. He cleans him up but says he's fine to go. Manny catches an uppercut and lands a hook that lands. Great exchange to end the round after a burst of energy from Pacquiao heats up. Marquez wins the round.
87-83 Marquez
(Manny seems drained right now...I wonder if the weight is bothering him. Still, you can't count out Manny's superb punching power.)
Round 10:
Manny fires off a hook-cross combo that stuns Marquez to start the rou nd!! What did I just say about the power. Marquez trades with Pacquiao and eats a few left hands.. Blood is all over Marquez' face. The crowd starts chanting for Manny and Marquez digs to the body. He lands another body shot but a little low and gets warned. They settle down again and it's back to boxing. Manny times a left hand and lands it flush. Marquez jabs and lands another right but gets countered with a hook. Great action in the 10th! Marquez' corner better control that cut in between rounds. Manny gets this round.
96-93 Marquez
Round 11:
Marquez lands a borderline low blow and Manny takes a few seconds to rest. Manny then comes firing in the corner but Marquez makes his way out. A cross lands for Marquez and misses with a body shot. A strafing right makes Manny retreat but he comes in with a right jab and hook. They back each other up with jabs and Marquez lands a hook then a right hand. Manny then feeds him a right hook. and another one. Tough round to call. I'll call it even.
106-103 Marquez
Round 12:
Manny tries to slug it out but Marquez slips the pnches and backs off. He throws a couple of left jabs and lands a straight right. Manny then blocks the following right and lands a good hook. They trade in the corner anda Marquez counters a Pacquiao hook with his own right that knocks him backwards. Manny comes forward however and is throwing his jab again. What a war. The close the round in a huge exchange. Marquez edges the round.
116-112 Marquez
I think Marquez outboxed Pacquiao throughout most of the fight even though he suffered a knockdown. The fight was similiar to their first encounter minus the huge round 1 for Manny.We now await the scorecards.....
Score are read as:
115-112 (Marquez)
115-112 (Pacquiao) and 113-112 for the winner by split decision....
And NEW WBC & Ring Magazine junior lightweight champion, Manny Pacquiao!Well it was a tight fight and Manny's aggressiveness seemed to give him the nod tonight.

Additional input from Lyzius:
Official judges scorecards...
Jerry Roth: 115-112 (Marquez)
Duane Ford: 115-112 (Pacquiao)
Tom Miller: 114-113 (Pacquiao)
Manny Pacquiao total punches: 157/619
Juan Manuel Marquez total punches: 172/511
Manny Pacquiao power punches: 114/305
Juan Manuel Marquez power punches: 130/310
Manny Pacquiao jabs: 43/314
Juan Manuel Marquez jabs: 42/201
Congratulations to the Pac-Man who will now move up to 135 lbs. Mabuhay si Manny!!!!!
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